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Saturday 5 April 2008

Friday 4 April 2008



Message To A

Dear A,

When you are offered a half of the red apple, then, eat up.
Do not think about Eden Garden at all.
To eat this apple means that your Kundalini is now fully re-activated.

Oh, all in all, I am happy to meet you anytime.

M's Spring Days With Flowers In Japan

S's First Expression: Mermaid and Butterfly

Welcome, S! Continue your painting!
And continue to make
mind -trek or spirit-trek to me.

Sana'a In Dawn, Yemeni Perspective

Today's Sana'a, Yemen, From Fajj Attan Area

Japanese Taste: From Sea Weed


T's Treasure: Explosion In Unison Of Body, Mind, Spirit

Ki Wangzi Ju

Very Special Friday: Special Things Happen

Or Illumination of Heart
Or Whatever

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Dragon Blood Tree


The research process,
the intuitive process,
and the clairvoyant process
are equally valuable approaches
to whatever the truth might be.

From Slim's Words

" The coils are basically energetic vacuum cleaners. They such and blow. Dark energy is pulled up through the south pole of the Coil, transmuted to light, and blown out through the north pole of the device. "

"The distance factor is a big thing with the Coil. As the Coil is moved further away from the point of pain, the sucking action increases and the healing effect is stronger. According to Hartmut Muller's Gravity Wave Theory( Standing Gravity Wave of The Universe), gravitational pull is actually more powerful the further away you get from something. "

" The gold and silver add their own special frequencies to the over all tensor effect. As they interact with the tensor field, each element sublimates off the copper wire in its monatomic from introducing nano-particles of gold and/or silver into the healing equation."

(my comment)
Well, these can be also applied to your hands as another Coil.

From My Drawings: Psychic Portrait Of Master?, Guide?

NB's Note: Sun As Fusion Of Ying/Yang

T's Trinity:Soulful Wind

Barakani's Qat, Taiz, Yemen

From News Letter By Spirit Of Ma'at To Share

"GLIMPSES OF TRUTH"As glimpses of Light and Truth pierce the darkness it is clear that the old paradigm is fading away. The influx of new frequencies has accelerated to the point where the light is now readily accessible to anyone. Our April 2008 Issue showcases the work of Nassim Haramein and Alberto Villoldo, two men who have brought spiritual principles into a framework that includes each and every one of us. In a video lecture, Nassim Haramein takes us to the far reaches of the Unified Field, beyond theory, into a direct experience of what it means to be connected. From the jungles of South America, Shaman Alberto Villoldo brings forth long hidden Truths that appear to hold the key to everything right now. If ancient megaliths get your wheels turning, Martin Gray's article will stir you to wonder if what we don't know about them could be of use to us as we approach 2012. Along with our regular monthly features, here you will find articles that will open your minds and remind you toraise your Hearts to a deeper awareness of your own changes - and to the sea of change that is impacting all of us as we navigate our way through The Great Shift of the Ages.

- NASSIM HARAMEIN - THE RESONANCE PROJECTRandy Hatton turned us on to Nassim Haramein. He didn't go into a lot of detail, he just said, "You gotta check this out". Trusting Randy I found my way to a series of web-lectures without knowing what I was getting into. Come to find out, Nassim Haramein is a scientist who understands that the fundamental patterns of creation as well as he understands physics. His work is going to change the world. If you aren't already familiar with Nassim Haramein, be prepared to take a trip down a whole new rabbit hole.

- THE MUNAY-KI RITES - From ALBERTO VILLOLDO: Medical anthropologist, Alberto Villoldo, left the world of academia for the South American rainforest 25 years ago. Apprenticed to Incan and Mayan Shamen from that day on, at the time of his initiation Alberto was instructed to bring their wisdom and their prophesies out into the world. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. Until recently they have only been available to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. Delivered in the form of energetic transmissions, these rites form a body of information that could make a difference as we find our way to 2012. Don't miss this video excursion into what Alberto Villoldo's teachings are all about.

--A TRIP WITH SLIM SPURLING - By Cal GarrisonFor the last four years Cal Garrison has spent half of her time writing Slim Spurling's second book. Slim's death has called a halt to the completion of that work, but what the two of them already committed to paper is well worth sharing. Those of you who take an interest in Slim's work will appreciate it. Taken from the records that were kept during one of Cal's road trips with Slim, this article describes a meeting that took place at Penn State back in 2004. It outlines Slim's preliminary attempt to introduce the scientific community to his technology, and is described from Cal's perspective as the witness/observer.

--SACRED GEOMETRY IN ANCIENT EUROPE: PART I - COSMIC AND COMETARY INDUCED CATACLYSMS AND THE MEGALITHIC RESPONSE - By Martin GrayWhile places sacred to ancient civilizations exist throughout the world and their locations are often well known, we know very little about their original purpose and function. Our understanding of what these sites were used for is obscured by our tendency to assume that we know more about life than our ancestors did. Anthropologist, Martin Gray's article will expand your perspective on the the true purpose and function of Europe's ancient megalithic sites.

--STAR ELIXIRS: VIBRATIONAL REMEDIES AND OUR CONNECTION TO THE COSMOS - By Phoenix Rising StarFlower essences and gem elixirs have been around forever. By now most of us know how effective they are at grounding the emotional body. I don't know if it's the Ascension process or a side effect of the Blue Star, but all of a sudden Star Elixirs are the new kid on the vibrational remedy scene. Since we're all learning how to metabolize starlight, why not help the process along by taking the essence of that Light into our bodies? In a three-part series, Phoenix Rising Star introduces us to the benefits and uses of Star Elixirs.

-- ENTITIES: THE NEEDY AND THE GREEDY - By CC TreadwayIn this article CC discusses different examples of entity attachment and removal, comparing various techniques and perspectives. She explores some of the symptoms of energy invasion as well as methods of prevention and protection. Clearing the vibrational resonance that attracts these energies requires unconditional love and respect for all creation. Read what CC has to say about the ins and outs of loving your self and your entities enough to release those attachments and get them back where they belong.

---JILL BOLTE TAYLOR - MY STROKE OF INSIGHT - Courtesy of YouTubeThis clip was sent in by Maribel Todd - God bless her, and God bless YouTube! Jill Bolte Taylor's description of what she went through during her stroke addresses thoughts that will ring true for all of us. Confirming what we already know about the left and the right brain, her words are all the more relevant because she just happens to be an expert on the human brain. Don't miss this one. It'll give you 20 minutes of hard core inspiration.

-- LET ME BE - LET ME SEE - By Steve ThomsonLife is less complicated than we make it - so is our sacred work. During a plant medicine ceremony Steve Thomson realized that the portal to the Soul is easier to access if you leave your over-thought spiritual notions on the door step and enter that realm with child like innocence. How far are we from that state of utter simplicity and Trust - and what does it take to get there? Steve's article will remind you how important it is to keep your spiritual work pure and simple.

--A MAYAN STORY - By FreemanFreeman sent us this account of a trip that he took to Maya Land. After reading it through we decided to share his story with you - if only to remind you that we are all pursuing the same dream. Sifting through the dark elements that were part of his quest, what Freeman came home with is the idea that it's time for people of all nations to unite. His experience showed him that nothing will change until this happens - and according to the Mayan Tatas, our future depends on it.

---ZEITGEIST - THE MOVIE If you have a taste for conspiracies, and New World Order agendas, this movie covers everything from the Christ Myth, to the World Banks, to 911, and the larger implications of the Patriot Act. A cinematic overview of the systematic webs that enslave us, "Zeitgeist" examines issues that, like it or not, we need to be aware of. This 2-hour feature is a sign of the times. If you are up for a crash course in the intricacies of world domination, it will save you tons of research. Those of you who are already familiar with these subjects will find that "Zeitgeist" does a service to us all by outlining them so clearly.

--- WHAT IS ASCENSION? The Pathway To Your Next Consciousness -By Terry Taylor, MA. CHt.Our Ascension Issue went to press before the last of the Ascension letters arrived. Terry Taylor sent us his take on the whole thing a little too late, but we enjoyed what he had to say - and since this appears to be an ongoing discussion we decided to share his article with you. Anything worth saying bears repeating - Terry's words loan definition to some of the finer points of the Ascension Process.

--THE CATHEDRAL OF SAINT SOPHIA - Novgorod, Russia - From Martin Gray's book, "SACRED EARTH - Places of Peace and Power"Long before the Christian takeover, the Goddess was worshipped all over the world. Through the passage of time her temples were transformed to accommodate changing belief patterns and political agendas - but since the very ground these temples were built on was chosen for its female resonance, the Goddess energies could not be over ruled. Erected on the site of a powerful female vortex, Novgorod's Cathedral of Saint Sophia is one of the most beautiful feminine shrines. We showcase it this month to honor the rise of the Female Light.

--MONTHLY ANGELIC MESSAGE - From Angela McGerrOur April Angelic Message comes from Seraphiel, the ruler of the Creation Angels. It touches lightly upon the place that the Heart holds in both the spiritual and the Ascension Process. Included in this month's channeling is a simple stretching exercise that is designed to help us draw more Light into our Hearts. To check in with the angels, don't miss this month's message from Seraphiel.

---AWAKEN - Monthly Sound Healing - From Norma GentileNorma sent us two sound healings this month. Balancing the inner need to rest and awaken, her voice will remind you to honor your own rhythms and the rhythms of Nature. Accompanied by a schruti box and a Tibetan Singing Bowl, our favorite chantress welcomes the warmth of Spring with sounds that will help to harmonize your inner and outer expression.

----NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTSDrunvalo is in Bulgaria doing an Earth-Sky-Heart Workshop. He will return to prepare for the first of two Sedona, Arizona Workshops. If you are thinking of attending the April 30 - May 4 workshop, don't wait too long. There is still space available, but it is filling up fast.
Those of you who want to find out about Drunvalo's 2008 workshop and travel schedule, please go to his website; MERKABA TUNE UP COURSE - June 1, 2008 at 1 PM in Sedona, Arizona.Those of you who have already been accepted into the second Sedona Workshop in June, will be pleased to know that Flower of Life Facilitators, Phoenix Rising Star and Leon Pelletier are offering a 'MerKaBa Tune-Up' course at the Sedona Heartwalk Center prior to the commencement of the workshop. This course is for anyone who feels the need to brush up on the MerKaBa Meditation. It is specifically aimed at those of you who have learned the meditation from the instructions that are included in the second volume of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. If you want to make sure you are doing the MerKaBa correctly it will benefit you to sign up for this event. The date is June 1, 2008, at 1 PM. Payment will be on a "donation" basis. For registration information please contact Pheonix and Leon at; or call: 928-204-5589
"The Serpent of Light" is still number one in four categories on AMAZON's Best Seller list. People from all walks of life are getting turned on by this book. If you haven't had a chance to read it yet, do your self a favor and pick it up. That's it for now. The April 2008 Issue is a good one. We hope that all of the information we have to share with you this month will light up your hearts, your minds, and your life - and we thank all of you for making our work so much fun! You will find all of these articles and more, at

T's Tea Tree: Your Heartspace And The Old Gate-Keeper

Water Of Life= Life Stone

NB's World: No Word For Worlds

Yesterday's Night: After Rainfall

1 banana a day

   Very good morning.   My eating habits nowadays is to eat 1 piece of banana, and kiwi at least, with berries and yoghurt.   Of course, I a...