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Thursday 2 September 2010

New Horizon Issue

As I have got today the notice from the Spirit of Ma'at, this shall be shared with many on the Earth...


As we pass through the sign of the Virgin our inner and outer experience comes to a place of completion. What we harvest from the time that has elapsed since the spring of 2010 is what tells us how far we’ve come; it thus becomes a reflection of our wholeness.

In late September, at the point where the Virgin meets the sign of the Scales, all of that gets weighed in the balance. It is there that we get to measure the extent to which we are equally connected to Mother Earth and Father Sky.
If the horizon line is a metaphor for the point at which we enter into perfect union with all life everywhere, as the autumn Equinox approaches, where do we stand with it? What do we see as we look out upon the world, and how do we remain connected and whole when everything appears to be simultaneously falling apart and coming together?
If this is easier said than done, in the midst of changes that defy analysis our September issue is a compilation of articles and video presentations thatare full of information that will serve to set your sights on a “New Horizon” and help to keep your heart centered in the Eye of the Storm.


1 banana a day

   Very good morning.   My eating habits nowadays is to eat 1 piece of banana, and kiwi at least, with berries and yoghurt.   Of course, I a...