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Friday 8 April 2011

To Slim's Harmonizer Owners

I have got this important message from Spirit of Ma'at, and of course, I shall join the action


On April 4th, 2011, twenty-four days after the three-way blow out that swept over Japan, we received an email from a one of our readers in Tokyo. What follows is an unedited copy of that message:

“Dear the one who finds this email,
I am a Japanese in Tokyo. Now we Japanese are threatened by radiation effect caused by Fukushima incident. I have an Environmental Harmonizer and an Environmental Clearing CD. Is it possible to clean the air and remove the radiation effect with the tools above? Is this a foolish idea or mistake?

Or is it too late?
Please respond if you can.

Kiichi, Tokyo”

This message was passed along to David WH, one of the men who was directly involved in the pollution clearing work that was done in Denver back in the ‘old days’. What came out of this communication engendered a response from David that will be of interest to anyone who is concerned about our brothers and sisters in Japan and who wants to know what they can do to help.

“Dear Kiichi,
I received your info request from my friends at the Spirit of Ma’at. I am one of the original pollution clearing team members from the '90s although I am not affiliated with IX-EL INC in any way.

First let me say that our hearts go out to you and the people of Japan. This catastrophe is beyond comprehension and we must all pray and do all that we can.

The waveforms that you have, if I understand what you have correctly, are not specifically designed to handle radiation. At the same time, they may have a beneficial effect, so I would use your device.

I would also get chlorella and the brown seaweed called Fucoidan and mix them in a small glass container of pure water. I would place this touching the harmonizer while playing the waveforms into the harmonizer. This may have the radionic effect of broadcasting the compound into the environment. The same may work with Zeolite as it was used in the Chernobyl clean up.

As many people in the Harmonizer network as possible should do this.

A photograph of the Fukushima facility may be used in conjunction by placing the Harmonizer and equipment directly on the picture. Also placing a ring around that energy may help contain and change it. The more good people who focus on this the better it should apply.

For your own safety, although I cannot give medical advice, I can tell you what I would do. I would take Epsom salt baths-3 cups in hot water for at least 20 minutes at a time. I would also take Zeolite in some form. It is widely available now in various forms. I would also take the Brown Seaweed and Chlorella.

It is stated in various studies that orgone energy may neutralize radiation. If you can obtain orgone devices they may be of assistance; directions for construction may be found on the web. That is more reasonable than sending overseas for them from another country.

I am adding the Quantum Holographic Waveform[TM] of Vitamin C to the mix in my Trifecta Personal Harmonizers[TM] because studies indicate that Vitamin C has a very beneficial effect on the cells in the body affected by radiation-both repairing and preventing damage. This application of Vitamin C does not cause the bowel intolerance that oral ingestion of large doses creates.

The situation in Japan is magnified by the fact that it has not abated, but is ongoing. The whole world needs to be doing everything they can to stop this. It is not just a problem for the Japanese people, it is a human problem and must be immediately addressed.

If you have further questions I will help as I am able.

May the Blessings Be

David WH

We hope that this information will serve you.
Together may we serve all of us.

Note: For those of you who wish to obtain an Environmental or Agricultural Harmonizer you may do so at either (IXEL products) or (David WH products). The folks at the Flower of Life store are offering a deep discount until the end of April for those people that will commit to following the above protocol to assist the situation in Japan.

Thank you,
From Our Hearts to Yours,
The Staff at the Spirit of Ma’at

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