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Thursday 28 August 2008

From My Dinner Today At Japan

Left: Fried Chicken Wings Salted,
Right: Fried Pork With MISO Paste
TEMPURA Shrimp And SOBA Noodle
MISO-Based UDON or Noodle With Black Pork
Left: KATSU DON or Deep Fried Pork Rice

From My Pictures Today: Some Food In Japan

Whole-Body Experience

It is said in the book "The multi-orgasmic woman" by Mantak Chia and Rachel Carlton Abrams like this;
"Orgasm that leaves your hands and feet tingling, your heart warm and open, and your mind expanded and clear- this is whole-body orgasm."

And by Taoists' approach, you can change this whole experiences more expanded as a possible transformation of consciousness.

For this process, you need to master "The Microcosmic Orbit Circulation of Chi", and "The Orgasmic Upward Draw" through the cranial and sacral pumps, and Soul-Mating to go beyond multiple orgasms.

Single orgasm can be, from Taoists' views, a sort of big energy-loss,though you may enjoy release of yourself.

From Mobile Photos: Imperial Palace at Tokyo, Japan

From Mobile Photos: Mt. Fuji Of Japan

From Mobile Photos: 10 Minutes' Hair Cut By 10 USD And Golden Temple

From Mobile Photos: Japanese Food

From Mobile Photos: Tokyo Disney Resort

From My Pictures: Big Bee's Nest @My Parents' Home

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Heartfelt Messages By Drunvalo Melchizedek

From Drunvalo's "Serpent of Light"

" The Serpent of Light is in its geographical location for the next 13,000 years and is functioning perfectly. The Unity Grid above the Earth, which holds and focuses human consciousness and allows it to move into higher consciousness, will be finally completely adjusted by the middle of 2008. "

"The year 2009 will bring the first real connection with life from other worlds, which could not have occurred before the Unity Grid was functioning in a specific manner. "

"By December 21, 2012, the Precession of the Equinox will complete itself, and the beginning of a new cycle of another 13,000 years will be initiated. By this time the old cycle and the old male ways of controlling human life will be in disarray."

"By the time, the female will be in control of leading humankind back into the Light. And on February 18-19, 2013, the Maya will perform the first ceremony of the new cycle, which will trigger the opening of all life everywhere to begin interchange with humanity in a "personal" manner, and humanity will begin a rapid healing of the remaining people on Earth."

"Now , look into the Light and breathe deeply the joy of life. Eternal Life without suffering was yours all along. Never were you ever separated from the Source. Live your life without fear. Live your life with open eyes and an open heart from the jewel within your heart, and you will extend yourself into the next 13,000 years here on Earth and far, far beyond."

" Remember who you really are, trust yourself, and open your eyes to the new beauty of a new Earth unfolding before you as we breathe. Peer past the darkness and destruction of the ending of this old male cycle. Do not look into Kali's eyes. But put your attention on the budding life and light in the center of the vortex."

Drunvalo's Advice By "Serpent of Light"

"Leave your mind and your constant thoughts and return to your heart. Inside your heart is a tiny place where all knowledge and wisdom resides. Whatever you need on all levels of your existence is there for you."

1 banana a day

   Very good morning.   My eating habits nowadays is to eat 1 piece of banana, and kiwi at least, with berries and yoghurt.   Of course, I a...