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Saturday 1 March 2008

From The Cathay Mall In Singapore

Well, I have just eaten Bat Ku Teh in Bugis area, after going to Quan Yin Temple and bought 2 new Tibetan singing bowls by a not-so-bad price.
And I have eaten Durian by 8 Singapore dollars, which tastes nice.

You know I always go to the same shops, and so they remember me well.

And one more point, I can receive your mobile message by my roaming phone, but can not send from me. OK?

Take care, my dear friends!

Friday 29 February 2008

Now in Dubai and Heading to Singapore

So hopefully all of you are fine; and I am now heading to Singapore via Sri Lanka.

Well, the gate opened in your heart and solar plexus is very nice, and you are connected now with more dimensions and maybe free from human grid.

Good days to you all.

For your service

And do heart access.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

TAO=Ying/Yang In Circulation=No Ying Nor Yang

Outside:Yang, Inside:Ying= Male

Outside: Ying, Inside: Yang = Female

Ying And Yang Within You: No Need For The Other Just You Enough

Mary's Prayer

(Mary's Prayer)
I am the place that God shines through.
He and I are One not Two.
He needs me where and as I am.
I need not doubt, not fear, nor plan.
If I but be relaxed and free,
He'll work his plan of love through me.
Change "God" and "He" into "My Soul".


Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is
to say "No".
Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is
to "Let go".
(By Lama Surya Das)

The Practice Of Joy

Joy is prayer;
joy is strength;
joy is love.....
A joyful heart is the inevitable result
of a heart burning with love.
(Mother Teresa)

Once You Have Entered....

One you have entered the
" Light of the Great Darkness",
your life will change-
eventually, you will remember
who you really are;
your life will become
a life of service to humanity.

(from "Living in the Heart" by Drunvalo Melchizedek)

Galina's Comment

Energies are circulating
in a size of a small tube in the beginning.
So hot like in a sauna,
and then,
the chill wind flows through the body.

T's Gallery: Gondola In Italy And Dragon Boat In Asia

Monday 25 February 2008

NM's Photos: Spring In Japan

M's Japanese Dessert: Caramel Cream By Less Than 2 USD

You can taste this
in SUGAKIYA restaurants
In Japan.

Simple Japanese Lessons: 21-23

○Lesson 21: Post
-Please send this parcel. : Kono Kozutsumi o onegai shimasu.
-By airmail or by sea mail? : Kokubin desu ka, funabin desu ka?
-How long does it take to Kiev? : Ki-e-fu made nan-nichi gurai kakarimasu ka?
-It takes about 5 days. : Itsuka(5 ka) gurai kakari masu.
-Where is the post office? : Yubinkyoku wa doko desu ka?
-Yemen, please. : I-e-men, onegai shimasu.
-How much is the postage to Russia? : Roshia made ikura desu ka?
-Which window do they sell stamps?: Kitte wa dono madoguchi desu ka?
-Please give me a 100 yen stamp. : Hyaku-en(100 en) no kitte o kudasai.
-Which slot should I put overseas mail in? : Gaikoku yubin wa dotchi desu ka?
-letter: tegami
-postal card: hagaki
-envelope: futo
-letter paper: binsen
-address: atesaki
-sender: hasshin nin
-addressee: jushin nin
-express delivery: sokutatsu
-registered mail: kakidome
-ordinary mail: futsu yubin
-postal code/zip code: yubin bango
-money order: yubin kawase
-postage: yubin ryokin
-post box/mail box: posuto
○ Lesson 22 : Bank
- I want to change some dollars into yen. : Doru o en ni kaetai n desu ga.
-Please go upstairs. : Nikai(2 kai) e dozo.
-Please tell me how to use this machine. : Kono kikai no tsukaikata o oshiete kudasai.
-Yes, sir. : Hai, kashikomari mashita.
-Excuse me. The money does not come out. : Suimasen, okane ga demasen.
-Please press this button. : Kono botan o oshite kudasai.
-Change these yen into dollars, please. : En o doru ni shite kudasai.
-What is the exchange rate? :Kokan –reto wa ikura desu ka?
-Put your signature here, please. : Koko ni sain shite kudasai.
-Please change this into 1,000 yen notes. : Sen-en-satsu ni kuzushite kudasai.
-bank: ginko
-bank account: koza
-bank book: tsucho
-seal: inkan
-teller’s window: madoguchi
-exchange: ryogae
-commission: tesu-ryo
-amount of money: kingaku
-coin: koka
-bill, note: shihei
-cash: genkin
-credit card: kurejitto kado
-cheque: kogitte
-traveler’s cheque: ryoko kogitte
-cash card: kyasshu kado
-reissue: sai hakko
-secret code: ansho bango
-deposit: yoking
-withdraw: hikidashi
-balance statement: zandaka shokai
-correction: teisei
-confirmation: kakunin
-cancellation: torikeshi, kyansel

○ Lesson 23: Shopping
-I want a pearl neck-less. : Shinju no nekuress ga hoshi-i n desu.
-Expensive! Haven’t you anything cheaper?: Takai desu. Motto yasui no wa arimasen ka?
-Do you know some good shops? : I-i mise o shitte imasu ka?
-The shop near the station is good. : Eki no chikaku no mise ga i-i desu yo.
-Where is the bookshop? : Hon-ya wa doko desu ka?
-Where do they sell cigarettes? : Tabako wa doko de utte imasu ka?
-How do I get there? : Do ikimasu ka?
-I want to buy a ring. : Yubiwa ga kaitai n desu.
-I want to buy Qat.: Kato ga hoshi-i n desu ga.
-Qat is prohibited in Japan. : Kato wa nihon dewa kinshi desu.
-stand: baiten
-department store: depato
-supermarket: supa
-stationer’s: bunboguya
-dry cleaner’s: kuri-i-ninguya
-drug store/pharamacy: kusuriya
-optician’s: meganeya
-shoe shop: kutsuya
-camera store: kameraya
-watch store: tokeiya
-gold shop: kikinzoku ya

-pearl: shinju
-black pearl: kuro shinju
-gold: kin
-silver: gin
-genuine: honmono
-fake: nisemono

NB's Night In Heartspace: SUN WAVES FROM HEART

T's Tea Garden: Soulful And Life-Full Touching

Sunday 24 February 2008

Death Process From Subtle Perspectives

(Idea from Earlyne Chaney and Diane Stein)

"Life in the physical body is directed and regulated by an extention of the silver cord that connects the aura bodies(etheric double, emotional, mental, spiritual, and the planes beyond).

This cord enters the etheric body at the crown and becomes the Sushumna, the central Kundalini channel, beginning at the throat.

It then descends to the heart where the seed atom of life is located, and where the oversoul is connected to the body through the silver cord.

The dense physical body of this life cord is the vagus nerve, which begins in the brain stem's medulla oblongata(causal body chakra).
The vagus nerve divides into two branches, one of which directs the heart rate and the other respiration/breathing.

The nerve then branches further into the abdomen and solar plexus. This vagus nerve extention of the silver cord is the source of the autonomic (nonconscious) nervous system.

The vagus nerve is the bridge between heart and physical brain, and the emotional and mental bodies on the physical plane. Soon after fetal conception, the heartbeat begins, and at death the heart and respiration stop, both by action of this nerve.

The physical seed atom is the connection and access of the oversoul to the incarnation, the bridge between body and soul.
There are physical, astral, and mental body seed atoms.

In the process of death,

The heart ceases to beat when the physical seed atom departs its home in the pulse point but life does not entirely cease until it has travelled up the vagus, entered the Sushumna at the throat, ascended through the medulla oblongata and outward through the top of the head.

With the departure of this physical seed atom, the sutratma or silver cord is loosed, and the life principle is completely withdrawn from the physical from.

It is indeed "dead"."

Living and Dying Method

Enter the meditative state, with calm, clear mind and full body relaxation.

Visualize in front of you an image of your choice of divinity, be it Kwan Yin, the Earth Mother, Mary, Fatima, or whoever else you wish.

She is the embodiment of truth, wisdom, compassion, and love, and filled with golden or silver light.

Focus your mind, emotions, and spirit upon Her.

Visualize streams of golden or silver light and compassion flowing into you from the Goddess' heart, purifying you and healing you, and filling you with radiant light.

Your healed body melts and dissolves into this silver loving light.

You are now a Body of Light soaring upward to merge with light of the Goddess Source.

Be still in this state of oneness for as long as possible.

(Modified from the idea of " Tibetan Book of Living and Dying")

NB's Network Of Heart: Labyrinth-Like-Energies In Heart

T's Tea Rom: Always Different

1 banana a day

   Very good morning.   My eating habits nowadays is to eat 1 piece of banana, and kiwi at least, with berries and yoghurt.   Of course, I a...